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Anadrol is one of the most powerful and fast acting steroids available on the market for bulking You can effectively transform your entire body over just a months time and testosterone def potentially gain as much as 20 to 30 pounds in four weeks Some other steroids on the market can take months or weeks to see this type of weight gain but this produces a dramatic effect usn creatine anabolic 1800 g when it comes to size and strength Not many steroids on the market can boast the same claim and this is what makes Anadrol one of the go to bulking drugs for performance athletes. 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Anadrol is a great steroid usn creatine anabolic 1800 g which gives amazing results if used within limits Users mostly buy Anadrol because it is said that Anadrol usn creatine anabolic 1800 g does not aromatize However this statement is debatable Anadrol does not aromatize and hence the estrogenic activity associated with aromatization get ripped naturally no steroids necessary is negligible It however exhibits strong progestagenic activity and so you cannot cross out the possibility of the occurrence of gynocomastia with this drug In gynocomastia men develop abnormally large breasts which can be quite embarrassing The prolong use of Anadrol can also result in testicular atrophy; in other words the testes become steroid damage body smaller and the sperm count also decreases Painful erections are also common with this steroid. 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