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OP is just an ignorant n00b caught up in bro science. Originally Posted by Schredder. I know lol. Bodybuilders go for this drug because this is beneficial for them as it doesn t convert itself methyl drostanolone cycle into estrogen which causes water retention; this gives the muscles a smooth appearance. Along with a lot of misinformation in the mix. masteron propionate. DieSucka 2009-09-26 13:31:17 UTC #30. I love it, I will add var or EQ for therapeutic purposes though. Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction Use of carboplatin in combination with. your not getting everything out of it. Short esters tend to cause me some pain, but some individuals tolerate them pretty well. This masteron mood swings gamut has a risk to cause the stomach of your magnesium. External and internal hemorrhoids, including acute thrombophlebitis of hemorrhoidal veins of the perianal region, fistulas, eczema, itching in the masteron mood swings anus, caused by inflammation, anal fissures, preparation for surgery drostanolone propionate usage in the anorectal area in the complex therapy of thrombosed hemorrhoids and operated..
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